Karissa Williams

Their family owns a coffee bean farm in Nebraska, but they never owned a coffee shop before. Growing up from a family of an entrepreneur, Karissa decided to go to a business school where she met Katherine Carter who later helped her set up their very first coffee shop. Karissa shares with everything she has learned from running a successful coffee bean farm that will make you appreciate every cup of your morning coffee.


Katherine Carter

Katherine is a barista who wanted to take her skills to a different level, that is why she decided to enter a business school. When she met Karissa, it was like a match made in heaven. A barista and a coffee bean farm owner, you could not ask for a better duo than them. Katherine shares her thoughts regarding the coffee industry including its challenges.


Eran Wilson

Eran works as a part-time writer for brewabilitylab.com while employed as a Barista for Brew Ability Lab. If you want a good laugh, ensure to check his articles about his customer encounters that will make your day while you sip your morning coffee.


Steve Patterson

Steve is a coffee bean farmer. Despite his young age of 23, he decided to choose this career instead of being a lawyer, or an architect, or perhaps an engineer. He believes that we need the young generation to embrace farming as a rewarding profession.